What’s for dinner: Chicken Barley Stew

A healthy overnight success (in the slow cooker).

Occasionally, I forget I am but a lone individual.

Mostly, this happens when I’m figuring out what to eat over the next week. I head to the grocery store, list in hand (or the modern equivalent, list on phone in hand), and only when I get home does it hit me that I’ve purchased food for three or four recipes, and each recipe usually makes six servings, so I’ve just committed to the next 18 to 24 meals.

Continue reading “What’s for dinner: Chicken Barley Stew”

What’s for dinner: Tex Mex Turkey Sloppy Joes with Corn and Peppers

The clean eating version of a hearty sandwich staple.

When I saw that the local grocery store had eight ears of sweet corn for $1, I decided to leaf through the big folder of recipes I’ve collected over the years to find a few that would incorporate this seasonal ingredient.

First up: A healthy take on a sloppy joe, which was published in the September/October 2009 issue — I told you I’ve been holding onto these recipes for a long time! — of Clean Eating. (Although the magazine’s website has a lot of recipes available online, I couldn’t find this one among them.)

Continue reading “What’s for dinner: Tex Mex Turkey Sloppy Joes with Corn and Peppers”