30-Day Song Challenge, Day 24: A song you want played at your funeral

I don’t know how long the bottle of wine has been in our kitchen, but I must have seen it in passing every day for at least a month or two. Randomly today the label caught my eye, and I had a flashback to a moment nearly 15 years ago when I realized that things that day were going to end very, very badly.

Continue reading “30-Day Song Challenge, Day 24: A song you want played at your funeral”

30-Day Song Challenge, Day 23: A song you want played at your wedding

Given New York state’s legalization of same-sex marriage — by a GOP-controlled legislature, no less! — it seems like a good day to resume this series. (So close to being finished!)

I’m going to assume this is meant to mean “first dance” kind of stuff and not, say, “The Chicken Dance,” but without having the boyfriend and backstory that would impart sentimental meaning to a selection, this is all pure conjecture.

That said: “The Book of Love” by Magnetic Fields (lyrics here, listen here) is pretty hard to beat as a love song, and whoever I end up with is probably gonna need to agree about that. (I would probably opt for the Peter Gabriel cover, though.)

WHAT SAM WORE: 6-26-11
The shirt: The very first T-shirt I bought from Abercrombie & Fitch.
The shorts: Also A&F, liberated from Mr. Brooks’ closet.
The shoes: Sneakers by John Varvatos for Converse, from Nordstrom Rack.

30-Day Song Challenge, Day 25: A song that makes you laugh

I embedded the video for “Brush Brush Brush” by Of Montreal (click the photo above to see it on YouTube) in my “out of office for a dental visit” email I sent to co-workers a few weeks ago.

C'mon — they're flying through the air on cats and dogs. You have to laugh.

I’m not sure how I discovered the “Yo Gabba Gabba Music is Awesome!” compilation, but it is delightful in spots, and everyone from Jimmy Eat World (I put their song “Beautiful Day With My Best Friend,” on my 2010 holiday discs) to Ladytron have popped in to record a track. I’m sure the delight wears off for parents who are forced to listen to the songs over and over again, but that’s not the case for me, so they still make me laugh (and brush my teeth).

The shirt: Polo shirt from American Eagle Outfitters, Scottsdale Fashion Square.
The shorts: Knee-length cords from Lucky Brand, Chandler Fashion Center.
The shoes: Onitsuko Tigers sneakers from Nordstrom, Chandler.

30-Day Song Challenge, Day 22

I never finished the “30 Day Song Challenge,” mostly because the categories got repetitive. Today’s theme was supposed to be “a song you listen to when you’re sad,” which was so close to this day’s theme that I decided to do something else: open my iTunes library, do the mouse equivalent of throwing a dart at a map blindfolded, and write three things about the song or artist.

Continue reading “30-Day Song Challenge, Day 22”